{ Josh Rendek }

<3 Go & Kubernetes

Never Set Instance Variables Again

Aug 16, 2012 - 1 minutes

Tired of doing this on every method in ruby? {% codeblock lang:ruby %} class Person def initialize(name) @name = name end end {% endcodeblock %}

Use the awesome power of ruby and metaprogramming to auto set method paramters to instance variables:

{% codeblock lang:ruby %} class Person def initialize(name) method(method).parameters.collect {|x| instance_variable_set("@#{x[1]}", eval(x[1].to_s)) } end end {% endcodeblock %}

Now you can access your parameters being passed in as instance variables for an object. You can extract this out into a method to apply to all objects or just make a simple extension to include it in files that you wanted to use it in. While this is a trivial example, for methods with longer signatures this becomes a more appealing approach. I’ll probably extract this out into a gem and post it here later.

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